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In 2015, I started my first memory jar. You know, it was one of those, "New Year, New Goals,New Objectives bla bla bla...but..it turned out to be one of the most precious things that I could have done and still do up to this day.

So how does it work?
Memory jars are something that you can feel free to get creative and do it according to your style. First you will obviously need a jar, decorate it to suit and post its of different sizes and colours. For me personally,I like to write about everything, from special moments, to funny moments, trips, visiting friends, sad moments, heartbreaks, everything!

Why memory jars?
I like the idea of the memory jar because for me it just seems simpler than journalling, Sometimes I want to write details about a day or sometimes I just want to write something funny that someone told me. Also, I like to sometimes pick a random memory from a past jar and read it and reminisce.

What to do with the jar? 
The best part of the jar is that the end of the year, you can read your memories and remember things that happened throughout the year, things that probably slipped your mind. I remember the December before I came to Europe, I sat at home with my friends and we were reading my memories in my living room. Sometimes we laughed, sometimes the mood became a little more somber but most of all we were able to see how things changed, the goals we achieved, how far we had come in just a year.

So in the end, give it a try, it a great way to reflect at the end of the year and will be an even greater treasure that you can leave behind for friends and family.

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