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So having lived here for a little more than 4 years now, I think I'm a bit qualified to write about things that you see in Madrid that make it...well... Madrid! If you have been living here a few months, a few years or all your life, I'm sure there a few things that will make you go yup, that's Madrid for ya!

And please guys, let's take everything in good humor! Hope you enjoy!

1. You've been to El Tigre for the 5€ tapas and drinks.

2. You've watched the sunset at Templo de Debod.

3. You got up early on a Sunday morning to go to El Rastro.

4. At some point you probably had churros con chocolate for breakfast.

5. You've seen a football match in either Bernabeu or Wanda Metropolitano (or Calderón).

6. You've taken advantage of that 1€ deal at 100 Montaditos on Wednesdays and Sundays.

7. You've walked behind the slow abuelos that often take over the sidewalk.

We still find them cute, we still love them but we gotta overtake them!😅

8. You've had some sort of problem with Spanish bureaucracy.

If you know this building, you know what I'm talking about.

9. You've taken a day trip to either Segovia, Toledo, Aranjuez, Ávila or El Escorial.

10. You understood that Summer = Rooftop Terrace.

11. You've gone clubbing until the first metro aka 6 a.m.

12. You've definitely become a metro expert. You know the names, the colours, the numbers etc.

13. You've gotten your phone or wallet stolen.

14. You've had a picnic in Retiro or gone rowing.

15. You've entered Primark on Gran Via and survived.

16. You've been scared by the goat in Plaza Mayor.

17. You now have lunch at around 1/2 p.m. and dinner around 9/10 p.m.

18. You're probably still not sure if it's pronounced Madrid or Madriz.

19. You were really skeptical about calling the corner store "El Chino".

20. You are familiar with all the kid characters in Sol.

21. You now fully understand the importance of and the bond between a Madrileño and their pueblo.

22. You now know at least 1 Javi or Carlos and Marta or Teresa.

23. Someone on your street has a Spanish flag hanging on their balcony.

24. You've seen the 'abuelos' dressed as 'chulapos' and dancing in Sol for San Isidro.

25. It is now perfectly normal to stay in a restaurant or cafe long after you've eaten.

26. You've been to the Pride Parade and had the time of your life.

27. You've struggled your ass off trying to find an apartment.

28. You've been to one of the outdoor parties or music festivals.

29. Your Spanish is full of phrases like "es que", "mazo" , "en plan" and so much more Madrileño slang.

30. You've met some of the most amazing people and made the best memories.

How many of these things have you experienced?

Thank you Madrid for accepting us and loving us and giving us memories we'll never forget.


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