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Lately life has been becoming super hectic if it isn't something at work, it's something at home and it's a task in itself to manage family, friendships, social life, going to the gym, eating right AHHHHH!!!. When I reach this point, I usually have to just stop what I'm doing and try to disconnect and just relax and one of my favorite things to do is have a spa evening at home. It's one of the fastest and not to mention one of the cheapest ways to just help my mind take a breather so I am once again ready to face the mountain of tasks that lay ahead of me.

For me, there is nothing better than having a little at home facial. Usually I use one of the masks from LUSH or I make one using ingredients I have in my pantry. Sometimes I use an at home peeling scrub or I boil some water and put it in a bowl and put a towel over my head and make my DIY steamer haha. You do whatever works for you!

For those of you lucky enough to have a bathtub, I envy you because you can have bath bomb filled baths but for the rest of us, don't worry, our bath time can be equally fun. In the shower, I like to use a coffee body scrub and a really nice smelling body wash and to make it even better, I have a shower speaker, so basically I have concerts in the shower. For me, it's one of the best ways to just disconnect.

I think a nice ambiance can make a world of a difference. Me, personally, I love to use my fairy lights and light some really yummy smelling candles. I also have a diffuser that changes colors so I get a lovely 2 for 1! If candles and low lights are your idea of a relaxing atmosphere, then do that and if not, do what works for you. Remember that your needs and wants are the focus of this evening.

If we are having a spa night, we definitely need some delicious snacks. Just get what you want. It could be wine or chai tea, chips and dip or a slice of cake. Maybe you wanna order your favorite fast food. It's ok, you can allow it, it's just for today and it's gonna make you feel so much better!

In my opinion, relaxation time can mean something different to everyone. What may relax you may not work for me. So in this moment, I would try to do something that just distracts me one hundred percent. Some activity, that when I'm doing it, I'm so focused on it that I'm not thinking about the million other things that I have to do. It could be reading, dancing in your room,meditation, playing video games,catching up on Netflix. Whatever is it, make sure that you have fun doing it!

I think one step that we often overlook is our emotional and mental health. It doesn't matter how many spa nights we have, if we don't deal with what's going on with us internally, we are always going to be unsettled and dissatisfied. Take time to probably make those appointments that you've been neglecting to make, call that friend or family member that you said that you'd call, say sorry to that person that you did wrong or forgive them if they did you wrong. Whatever it is, I'm sure if you do it, it would be contributing to some sort of progress in your mental and emotional health.

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