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Navigating through this thing we call our 20's can only be described as a roller-coaster. We have that freedom that we always wanted but all these responsibilities that we weren't prepared for. We go through periods of random sadness, extreme happiness, heartbreak, confusion and so much more. Sometimes life comes at you fast and it's unfair but as much as it sucks, I've learnt (and been learning) that the best thing to do is to see every experience as a blessing in disguise or a lesson to be learnt....so here are 30 things that I've learnt and I'm still learning...

1. Being kind to people is hard when you’ve been hurt but still do it anyways.
I don’t like to make people in my present pay for the mistakes of people in my past but at the same time I don’t wanna repeat the same stupid mistakes. I just try to cautiously enter into new relationships but not blindly and close hearted and I think that’s the best way to be. Knowing that this person could disappoint you but hoping that they don’t.

2. Stop putting things off
It’s the dreaded cycle, something makes you anxious so you put off but now you have less time and that makes you more nervous and anxious. Just stop putting things off, face it, do it and get it over with.

3. Overthinking and overreacting is the death of everything 
and although I'm nowhere close to not overthinking and overreacting, I'm trying and it is a struggle.

4. Change is soooooo terrifying but sooooo necessary. 
I say this after making several big changes that now have turned out to be for the better but I remember thinking that the changes were going to be the end of the world…hello…look at no.2…just do it.

5. People really make time for what they want. 
People can be busy but it doesn’t even take a minute to tell someone that hey I'm busy or I'll get back to you later. Come on, were in the digital world, if someone is too busy for you then hey that’s fine just don’t go rearranging your time and life around them, get busy too. Invest your time in yourself and in people who do the same.

6. Ghosting is disrespectful and so coward. 
If someone ghosts you, it hurts, trust me, I know but it says so much about them and maybe its for the best, who wants someone who disrespects them like that anyways?

7. Apologizing is always done sooner rather than later.

8. Living in a next country can be so beautiful but also extremely lonely
 Even if you have a million friends, boyfriend etc. Its normal and not something to be ashamed of.

9. You can meet someone who can change your life for the better but it doesn’t mean that they will stay.

10. Living in a big city brings you lots of forever friends but who eventually leave and no matter how used you are to saying goodbye, it never gets easier.

11. You can't make someone love you no matter how much you change yourself or try to do what they like or wait…you just can't.

12. A confused person can break your heart worse than an actual break up.

13. Take time to get to know people, whether it’s a new friend or someone you're dating.

14. Getting rid of toxic people hurts like hell and you will often wonder if you made the right decision but only time will tell.

15. Social media leads to comparison and comparison is definitely the thief of joy.
Sometimes I'm on Instagram wishing that I was travelling or that I was in that restaurant or watching the guy I like's Instagram and my mood goes from OK to just sad. Why are they there and not me…oh how cool or why is he with her or why hasn’t texted me back but watching my InstaStory …yeah.. I know…this year I hope to spend less time on social media and more time in the real world and when I do use social media I can remind myself that its just the highlight reel of other peoples' lives not the day to day scene.

16. When you start to do things for yourself and not for others it feels so much better.
When you start working out for you and not to get that revenge body or when you upload InstaStories because you wanna laugh the next day and not to make someone jealous ..the feeling is so different and trust me you become more motivated and dedicated.

17. It's so OK to feel your feelings and this goes for both men and women.
I don’t know why were so scared of our feelings, cry when you feel sad, laugh when you're happy,if you need a day to yourself do that, just feel your feelings because keeping them in ain't it fam.

18. Self love is hard af. You are definitely your harshest critic. I am definitely my own worst enemy.

19. No matter how strong you are on your own, you can always lean on someone.
Sometimes I think that I can do it all on my own and I become overwhelmed and anxious and stressed and just a mess but when I realize that I don’t have to suffer alone, it definitely makes everything better.

20. Tinder can bring you people that are trash but also you can find amazing people too.

21. Friends and family no matter how far or how often you talk, they’ll always be there for you.

22. You are a badass and you are capable of doing anything you set your mind to.

23. People will treat you like trash regardless of how nice of a person you are or how kind you are to them.
It sucks but remember, it says more about them than you!

24. Someone who loves you wants the best for you and will never ask you to stop working towards your goals. Don’t lose sight!

25. Know the difference between love and lust.
Maybe you love him/her but maybe its lust or maybe you're just lonely. Maybe its him/her. Know the difference.

26. Sometimes people are selfish or in a selfish period in their lives and you just cant hate them for that. They can be the right person but the wrong time. Doesn’t mean you have to stay waiting around for the right time to come. If it's meant to be then things will find a way to work out but for now, accept the lesson and live your life.

27. Speaking of lessons, almost every experience and interaction you have, serves a purpose and teaches you a lesson and its up to us to learn from them.
Some more painful than others and sometimes history will repeat to make sure that you learned it.

28. Love yourself enough to be yourself.
I can't tell you how many times people called me friki here because I love video games and anime but I never hide it nor do I want to. I love that part of me and if someone doesn’t appreciate that then oh well *shrugs shoulders*.

29. If you have set boundaries, don’t adjust them just for anyone.
If your boundaries aren't out of this world then why change them? The right person would respect that.

30. A big city is the best place to network and meet people from all walks of life 
And if you just open your mind and open your heart you are bound to make lifelong connections. The past year I've had so many heartbreaks and I've been down more times than I can count but I had so many shoulders to cry on, arms lifting me, voices comforting me, hugs holding me tightly which really made me realize that while I was busy crying over the loss of someone I didn’t realize how many precious people I gained. I'm forever grateful because my lifetime friends and family were there for me but I gained some new names to add to the list.

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